John Wesley Thomas



Morehouse College                                                            Columbia University

B. S. in Mathematics                                                              M.S. in Electrical Engineering

Minor in Economics and Physics                                           Concentration in Wireless Networking

Cum Laude - Honors

Work Experience:

February 2002 to Present – Motorola, Inc. – Motorola Labs – Schaumburg, IL

Senior Engineer – Communication Systems and Technologies Labs

·Performed benchmark study of latency on available wireless and wireline networks

·Created and designed network sniffer node

·Created a network emulator in order to simulate IP application usage over a wireless channel

·Compiled findings and documented results

Summer 2001 - Motorola, Inc. - Motorola Labs - Schaumburg, IL

Intern – Communication Systems and Technologies Labs

·Performed packet trace analysis  - Perl programming

·Conducted study of web server compliance to HTTP 1.1

·Analyzed web browsers for compliance to HTTP 1.1

·Compiled findings and focused on their contradiction to documented cases

1998-1999 Academic school year - RadioShack - WestEnd Mall - Atlanta, GA

Sales Associate

·Assisted consumers with purchasing applicable electronics

·Acquired familiarity of all electronics in store to further help and educate consumers

Summer 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000 – Motorola, Inc. – Network Solutions Sector – Schaumburg, IL

Intern – iDEN Engineering Computing

·Involved in a number of projects and problem solving using the UNIX operating system as the super user

·Worked as the backup system operator using the AMANDA, ASBS, and NetBackup backup systems

·Co-managed the Clearcase application as the super user for over 620 workstations

·Assisted in renovation of network router closets

·Coded Perl program to prepare over 200 workstations for distribution on the network

·Coded korn shell script to create free space on NFS servers which were Network Appliances


Morehouse Alumni Association                                                               Beta Kappa Chi Science Honor Society

Morehouse Math Tutorial Program                                                          National Society of Black Engineers

Phi Mu Alpha Math Honor Society

Technical Skills:

AutoCAD                                                Wordperfect                                                Microsoft Office

Windows 3.x, ’95, ’98, ‘00                     UNIX System V                                          C++ programming

Windows NT                                           Visual Basic – Object Oriented                  Clearcase programming

ASBS backup system                              AMANDA backup system                         Unix shell scripting

Veritas NetBackup backup system          MathCAD                                                   Perl programming

Honors and Awards:

UNCF – Anderson Consulting Academic Scholarship                      Morehouse College Dansby Scholarship

Motorola Next Generation Summer Internship Scholarship              GEM Fellowship

Morehouse College Center of Excellence Scholarship

References available upon request