Chicago Brawl

Chicago Brawl
Originally uploaded by jwt9478.
A co-worker and fellow Sox fan sent this to me at work. I thought it
was funny. :-)
I have been planning on publishing a site for a long time, but I finally put aside some time and stuck with it. The design of this site will most likely change frequently until I find something that I like or also if the inspiration hits me. Enjoy and be sure to write me back with some feedback (whether positive or negetive), so I can continue to improve the site. Thanks. Peace.
A co-worker and fellow Sox fan sent this to me at work. I thought it
was funny. :-)
I ran into an article by one of my favorite writers at I talks about the recent rule changes in the NBA and what it means to the game. We no longer see the 70 point games that we used to see in the 1990's or even up to 4 years ago. Now the NBA is all about high octane offenses that can average up to 107 points a game. It also mentions how this transition can effect the upcoming NBA draft as well. Maybe JJ Reddick will turn out to be the better NBA prospect over Adam Morrison after all. It's an interesting read. U can check it out at the link below: