
I have been planning on publishing a site for a long time, but I finally put aside some time and stuck with it. The design of this site will most likely change frequently until I find something that I like or also if the inspiration hits me. Enjoy and be sure to write me back with some feedback (whether positive or negetive), so I can continue to improve the site. Thanks. Peace.

Monday, April 24, 2006

2005 World Series Trophy

I got a chance to take a close look at the White Sox 2005 trophy. The trophy is taking a tour around the city all year long and on this particular day they stopped by my job.

You can check out more photos here.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Toyota Trucks made in SA

Looks like the new Toyota plant is going to start producing trucks in mid-November. I wonder what kind of deals they'll be offering. I'm definitely in the market for a new car.

Check out the article here!!!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Roof Top Party

Today I got the rare opportunity to attend a rooftop party at a Cubs game. These things are really rare and is very unique to Wrigley Field where the Cubs play ball. I actually attended a party on the roof of a neighboring building where there was free food and drink during the whole game. It was a hook up through my alumni association at Columbia University. I knew that one day there would be a good reason why I keep paying my dues to that club. ;-)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Originally uploaded by jwt9478.


Originally uploaded by jwt9478.
