
I have been planning on publishing a site for a long time, but I finally put aside some time and stuck with it. The design of this site will most likely change frequently until I find something that I like or also if the inspiration hits me. Enjoy and be sure to write me back with some feedback (whether positive or negetive), so I can continue to improve the site. Thanks. Peace.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Softball - Week #10

Well we are starting to pick the "O" back up. We had a nice little 24-5 win over a decent team. It just seems like our offense is up and down all year and you can tell by looking at our season. We haven't had a winning or losing streak sinse the month of May.

I'm still a little disappointed in my numbers because I tend to pop the ball up too often. I lead the team in "reached on error" plays. But overall my numbers are starting to pick back up. And besides my boy Jeff that is new to the team has been picking up the slack. And now that I bat behind him in the cleanup spot, he takes a few of my RBI's since our 1 and 2 guys have OBP's around .700. It's all good though, I just need to adjust my game and get on base to let someone else hit me in.

Here are a look at our team stats

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Apple 1 to 1 Learning Solutions

This is an interesting educational program set forth by Apple Computers. Their initiative is to have a 1-to-1 ratio of computers to students in every school.

Apple - Education - Apple 1 to 1 Learning Solutions

I even read about a school in Arizona that is in the program and is getting rid of all text books. They will be creating a totaly digital learning environment.

Arizona School Will Not Use Textbooks

Another Nice Tube!!!

I don't know what it is, but it seems like the more I start looking at condos to buy the more I look at big screen HDTV's. Here's another one that I like. And to top it off it's on sale at Best Buy now.

Check it out here: Best Buy add for Toshiba 57H94

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Nice Tube!!!!

A friend got me hip to this new LCD TV. This is hot. And for the 3G's that it's worth it better be.

Maybe one day. ;-)

Check out more info on it here: Hitachi 50VX915