Monday, January 31, 2005
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Moving to Oak Park?????????
Well one of my New Year's resolutions was for me to get a little more serios about becoming a home owner. I've been using my suspect credit and willingness to move back to Texas as an excuse for too long. I think I am able to get something affordable with my situation now. Besides, in this age of the Internet I should be able to sell something pretty quickly if I do decide to go back to school or move back to Texas in the next couple of years. Here's a map of a few places that I will be taking a close look at in the next couple of weeks:

As you can see it's all in the same area of Oak Park, IL. I don't know what it is about that place, but I just feel the need to move out there. It seems like I know alot of "black folk" that work with me that live in that same area. It just seems like a cool and calm spot whenever I visit. Plus the commute to work won't be that bad, it should only be about 30-40 minutes. That's not bad considering that I'll be close enough to the city to take the "El" train.
Friday, January 21, 2005
Mac mini - a killer Home Theater PC in the making?
This looks tight. I might take a look at upgrading my MythTV (Tivo) network this year with this device. I always hear everyone raving about the MacOS. This will be my chance to take the plunge. I'll start saving and maybe it might be on my doorstep at Christmas. ;-)
Mac mini - a killer Home Theater PC in the making? | PVRblog
Monday, January 10, 2005
Before and After Tsunami Satellite Photos
These photos are kind of ill. You can see not only complete houses, neighborhoods, and running tracks completely destroyed, but also a complete island just gone.
You can find more photos here. You can donate to UNICEF on the link to help these folks out.
Banda Aceh, Indonesia - Before

Banda Aceh, Indonesia - After

Banda Aceh (city zoom), Indonesia - Before

Banda Aceh (city zoom), Indonesia - After