Moving to Oak Park?????????
Well one of my New Year's resolutions was for me to get a little more serios about becoming a home owner. I've been using my suspect credit and willingness to move back to Texas as an excuse for too long. I think I am able to get something affordable with my situation now. Besides, in this age of the Internet I should be able to sell something pretty quickly if I do decide to go back to school or move back to Texas in the next couple of years. Here's a map of a few places that I will be taking a close look at in the next couple of weeks:

As you can see it's all in the same area of Oak Park, IL. I don't know what it is about that place, but I just feel the need to move out there. It seems like I know alot of "black folk" that work with me that live in that same area. It just seems like a cool and calm spot whenever I visit. Plus the commute to work won't be that bad, it should only be about 30-40 minutes. That's not bad considering that I'll be close enough to the city to take the "El" train.
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